Thursday, June 23, 2011

Goodbyes are Never Easy...

Today was the last day of school. I am so sad. I didnt think I would be, but I am. It was the last day as a student in the school I love, which means not only leaving, but growing up. It hasnt sunk in yet, but it probally will... Here are some memories of the year:

-Mr. D's rubber jaw
-Mr. D "falling and cant getting up"
-Bomb threat
-4 Evacuations
-Ham on the pizza
-Flip flop guy

Here are some last day of school memories:

-Freeze pops
-Eric's 'swearing' in front of Mr. D
-Mrs V's surprise party
-Teachers crying

So my  teachers cried:'( And at the end of the day, I said goodbye to my teacher last year, my math teacherand my homeroom teacher. At that point, I wanted to cry, but held it in. But when I went to see my Language Arts teacher, she was sobbing. I was so sad! But I hugged her, and started crying a little:(

Hayley, isnt sad that were done at that school?! :( Im gonna miss it. Goodbye....

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