Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 1: Five interesting facts

Interesting Fact 1:   I adore makeup. I spend countless hours trying different looks, researching brand and products, watching tutorials, and hoping someday to maybe be a makeup artist.

Interesting Fact 2:   I have OCD and Anxiety. My OCD isn't as bad as somepeople's, but I still have it. But, my anxiety is terrible- especially after battling it for over 9 years.

Interesting Fact 3:    I have a big sweet tooth. HUGE. I love sweets. Like, litterally, its one of the only things I eat. Not much of a fact, but O well.

Interesting Fact 4:    Im obsessed with Twilight. OBSESSED. I've read Eclipse (629 pgs.) 18 times. And Breaking Dawn 14 times.  Because theyre my 2 faves. BTW, im team EDWARD! :)

Interesting Fact 5:    I'm HUGE about my religion. I read my Bible almost every night, try to go to church evry week, etc. I have OCD about it. Im not kidding eiether.

Thanx for reading!  Check out tomorrows post!
                                                                                             God Bless,

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