Friday, June 17, 2011


     So in like two hours I'm going to a carnival. Its one that happens every year, and its a family tradition to go. My sisters and I never bring friends to it, because its a family night, and I'm ok with it:)

     So.... Uhmm.. OH! Rides! Well, I want to go into the fun house, bumper cars, giant slide:), spinning strawberries:), these car things that go really fast and theyre really fun, umm... A lot more too, but I cant think of them all...

     The games are fun too. Theres  a dart game, water-thingy-game, and more. Lol.

     FOOD! They have amazing french fries and lemonade, pizza, and everything else. I know, so specific:P
                                 God Bless,

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