Sunday, June 5, 2011

What is Hannah's Summer?

     As some of you probally noticed, my friend Hayley changed her blog! :0 So, it made me think about mine. Since its almost summer, I wanted a funner URL. Not 'hannahs-vanity'. Why? Well, when people ask about my website, its confusing to some people when I say, "Double u double u double u dot hannah's hyphen vanity dot blogspot dot com." So, this URL is a lot more not confusing, and cooler!

     So what about my other website? Am I getting rid of it? NO! I still will be posting on it, I will be posting on here more though. So basically, this is my main website now.

     When will I post on my other website? After summer! This one, is just for summer! :) (Maybe I'll post on my other one a few times...)

      My 'other site'
      Current Site
      See the difference? AND, sometimes people think my name is spelled 'Hanna' so no more confusement! :D

                                                                           God Bless,

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