Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Review: MAC Lipstick

Hey guys! So today I'm going to do a review about MAC Lipstick. I have the MAC one in the shade Pink Nouveau. It's a very girly, Barbie pink. It reminds me of bubblegum, high heels and summer! Here is a picture:


     Pretty huh? It's one of the satin ones. Now onto the review.
     So when you buy it, the lipstick comes in the box on the right, which is very nice because drugstore ones don't. Then, obviously you take it out of the box, remove the cap, and apply it. It applies AMAZING. The color is rich and incredibly beautiful. And it softens your lips and makes them stand out instantly!

     Overall, I give it 4.8 out of 5 which is great! Hope you enjoyed! (The price is $14.50.) I would recommend buying it completely. Thanks for reading! Bye!


By the way, I got the photo here .


Day 17: A Photo That makes you cry

Hey guys!

So I don't have a photo that makes me cry...  So yeah. I'll post another exciting post. Bye!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Travel Tips: Makeup

Here are some important things to remember while traveling with makeup, what to bring, etc.:

What to bring:
     1) Foundation or Tinted Moisturizer.  I would recomend tinted moisturizer for summer because its lighter and easier to apply, but use what you prefer.

     2) Concealer.   Use something small, but effective.

     3) Blush and bronzer.  If you have one, bring a blush and bronzer duo. If not, single ones are okay too.

     4) Eyeshadow.  Its pretty much a given, but palletes are great, especially ones that have the 4 NEEDS- lid, crease, browbone, and definer.

     5) Mascara. Travel sizes are great. Remember to bring an eyelash curler.

     6) Eyeliner.  Bring pencil for your waterline, liquid for your upperlashline, and gel is optional.

     7) Lip products. Bring a lip conditioner, gloss, and lipstick. *Use something with SPF in it so your lips dont get burned, like SPF 15.

     8)  Sunscreen. I use SPF 30. Anything over 40-50 is WAY to strong if you want to get color. 30 allows color, while protecting your skin from harmful rays.


-Pack in a small cosmetics pouch. That way you don't overpack, and its easy to carry.
-Bring inexpensive things. If you bring high end things and they get lost, your out of luck.
-Odds are you won't use things... SO DON'T OVERPACK! :)

Thanks for reading! Post your makeup-travel tips are needs in the comments!

Day 16: Photo that makes you smile

Here it is:

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 15: What Would You Do if you got pregnant or got someone else pregnant?

Well, it depends. I am a girl. So umm... I believe the only way you should have a child is by being married. No other way. Not dating, commited relationships, or anything else. Strictly by being married. Its how I was raised, whats in The Bible, and my own beliefs. So if I was married that would be fine. I would prolly be nervous though about complications and stuff as well.

Thanks 4 reading,

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 10: Your Best Friend

Hey guys! So I think we just talk about our best friends? Well, here it is.

HAYLEEY! Amazing person. I havent seen her in so long. Like... 3 weeks. Lol. (PS: Hayley I put the invitation for my party in your mailbox!) Shes always there for me. ♥

EEMILY!    Funny, energetic and a great friend. Always there 4 me. ♥

(I have other friends but these are the main ones.)


Day 9: Your Definition of Love

*I know I didnt do a post yesterday, because I wasn't able to use the computer- for personal reasons.*

Ok so my definition of love... Here it is. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Love: Not changing for anyone. Its that one person you can be yourself with, and they do that as well. Is also the person you know you want to spend the rest of your life and then forever with. Someone that makes you happy, and you know you will never want anyone else.
          Also, its someone you want to come home to, and when they're home, your filled with joy. Someone you would do anything for, and they would do anything for you.
                                   Someone thats your, and not anyone else's.    ♥


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Try it: Beauty Products

Here are some products I reccomend buying, and I think are worth every cent of the money you pay:
-Covergirl Natureluxe Foundation
        A lightweight foundation with a beautiful feel and color! As light as a tinted mouisturizer and possibly better! It ranges from $10-$15 at various stores. TIP: Pick a foundation 1-2 shades DARKER than you think. The color turns very light.

-Maybelline Falsies Mascara
         Best foundation in existance. It's color is beautiful and rich, it lengthens AND volumizes your lashes, while being at an affordable price of $6-$7.

-Maybelline Fit Me! Blush
          Best blush ever! The color is incredibly amazing, stays on your face all day, and you never have to blend it out! $5-$6

-Coastal Scents 88 Shimmer Palette
          With 88 colors, its a great travel product, and gift idea. The colors are well pigmented, and beautiful. around $20 plus shipping and handling.

-MAC Lipstick
           Great color. Makes your lips smooth, and soft. AMAZING. $15+

Hope you all try these products, they are AMAZING! They all win Oscars as far as I'm concerned. Lol. Thanks for reading! If you have any requests for reviews, comment them, or email me hannahmacbarbie@aol.com


Day 8: Something You *DISLKE* about yourself

I dont hate hate anything, so once again, I''m using the word dislike.

I dislike a few thing, here they are:

My OCD. I've had it for a while, but didnt know about it until the past few years. I hate it SOOOO much.

Anxiety.  I've had it very very severely since I was 2 years old. So over 10 years I've had it. Its gotten in the way of sooooo many things. Sleepovers. School trips. Mall (Like going 2 the mall.) Parties. Pretty much evry thing you can think of.

My Teeth. I have like, not very many, because theyve been pulled, and they wont grow back.


                                                                                      God Bless,

Day 7: Your Crush

Edward Cullen. I think everybody knows who he is. Yeah. Thats who we tawking bout. So hes good looking. Nice. Protective. Considerate. Thats my ideal husband. Lol.

So yeah.

God Bless,

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 6: A Song That Makes You Cry

So I have a few songs. Eiether I cry when I hear them, or I have cried in the past.

The first one is "Follow Me There" By Third Day. Its an amazing song about finding rest when so much is happening, which really hits home with me.

The next one is "Cry out to Jesus" by Third Day. Its about: Even though we may have lost someone, felt lonely, or are battling addictions, you can always cry out to Jesus.

Thanks for reading! I would love if you all would watch these videos to see if maybe you cry? Lol
God Bless,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 5: A photo of something you really *DISLIKE*

Well, I dont hate anything. Hate is a strong word, and I honestly dont hate ANYTHING. I changed the word to DISLIKE tho. Anyways, I dislike a few things:

ORANGE MEDICINE! I cant remember the name, but everytime I have it, I gag, and throw up. Im completely serious, I throw up!

ROCK MUSIC!  I cant stand it! The melodys are off, terrible lyrics- from Metalica to other bands, I dislike it completely.

Thanks for reading!
God Bless,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 4: About my Family

Mom:  Sweet, loving, funny, stylish, supportive.
Dad:   Loving, protective, understanding, funny.
Leslie (sister): Funny, athletic, annoying at times, SISTER!
Jacqueline (sister):  Funny, cute, annoying at times, SISTER!
Bella (dog):  Cute, funny, annoying at times.

and then ME! LOL.

                                                                        God Bless,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 3: About Your Friends

Here is a little info about my friends- (closet friends)

Hayley- Always there for me. Helps me, and I can tell her anything. And she is always fun:)

Emily- Entertains me. Someone I have a ball with. We've known each other since Kindergarten and have been like this (crosses fingers) ever since.

Olivia-  Exact oppisites. I LOVE this chic! She makes me do fun things I would never have the courgage to do. (Like going on a raft in the middle of a fithy pond, playing soccer, etc.)

Gabby-  So funny. I understand her, she understands me. Shes kinda like Olivia, but different. Lol.

Kailey-  Haha. We're both blondes. Shes hystarical.

Analiese- Quieter, but still fun.

                                                     Hope you enjoyed!
              God Bless,
             -Hannah-     OH AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 2: Meaning Behind Your Name

Well, My name is Hannah. And it means "Grace of God" in Hebrew, (maybe another language).

My parents got the name by my mom going to a Bible study,  and I believe they were in 1 Samuel, and Hannah gave birth to Samuel, hense my name:)

So yeah. They almost named me Britney, :(, and if I was a boy, I would've been named Cody. I actually really like the name Cody... :D

                                                                                                God Bless,

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 1: Five interesting facts

Interesting Fact 1:   I adore makeup. I spend countless hours trying different looks, researching brand and products, watching tutorials, and hoping someday to maybe be a makeup artist.

Interesting Fact 2:   I have OCD and Anxiety. My OCD isn't as bad as somepeople's, but I still have it. But, my anxiety is terrible- especially after battling it for over 9 years.

Interesting Fact 3:    I have a big sweet tooth. HUGE. I love sweets. Like, litterally, its one of the only things I eat. Not much of a fact, but O well.

Interesting Fact 4:    Im obsessed with Twilight. OBSESSED. I've read Eclipse (629 pgs.) 18 times. And Breaking Dawn 14 times.  Because theyre my 2 faves. BTW, im team EDWARD! :)

Interesting Fact 5:    I'm HUGE about my religion. I read my Bible almost every night, try to go to church evry week, etc. I have OCD about it. Im not kidding eiether.

Thanx for reading!  Check out tomorrows post!
                                                                                             God Bless,


So I decided to do it along with my best friend Hayley. Here are the day topics:

Day 1: 5 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 2: The meaning behind your name.
Day 3: About your friends.
Day 4: About your family.
Day 5: A photo of something you really hate.
Day 6: A song that makes you cry.
Day 7: Your crush.
Day 8: Something you hate about yourself.
Day 9: Your definition of love.
Day 10: Your best friend.
Day 11: A letter to one of your exes.
Day 12: Your favorite female group.
Day 13: Your least favorite female group.
Day 14: Something you love about yourself.
Day 15: What you would if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant.
Day 16: A photo that makes you smile.
Day 17: A photo that makes you want to cry.
Day 18: A letter to someone you miss.
Day 19: A habit you wish you didn’t have.
Day 20: A letter to your parents.
Day 21: Short goals you wish to fulfill by the end of the month.
Day 22: Your nicknames & why you have them.
Day 23: What you would find in your bag.
Day 24: A song that makes you smile.
Day 25: How you found out about blogger & why you made one.
Day 26: First 10 songs to play on shuffle on your iPod.
Day 27: Your fashion style.
Day 28: What attracts you to someone.
Day 29: Future plans/goals.
Day 30: Who are you?

So yeah... :)

                                                                      God Bless,