Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 8: Something You *DISLKE* about yourself

I dont hate hate anything, so once again, I''m using the word dislike.

I dislike a few thing, here they are:

My OCD. I've had it for a while, but didnt know about it until the past few years. I hate it SOOOO much.

Anxiety.  I've had it very very severely since I was 2 years old. So over 10 years I've had it. Its gotten in the way of sooooo many things. Sleepovers. School trips. Mall (Like going 2 the mall.) Parties. Pretty much evry thing you can think of.

My Teeth. I have like, not very many, because theyve been pulled, and they wont grow back.


                                                                                      God Bless,

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